Nanticoke City Council
President - William Brown
Vice-President - Joseph Nalepa
Joseph Dougherty
Kenneth James
Mark O'Connor
The City Council is responsible for helping The City of Nanticoke move forward. The City of Nanticoke operates under the Home Rule form of government. The powers bestowed upon the city as well as the determination of policies are enforced by our publicly elected council members. The core responsibilities of the Council is to determine policies, adopt project budgets and most importantly and enact vital legislation for our government to function both properly and fairly. The council represents the legislative branch of our city’s government. The mayor and five council members have varying duties to help our city function. Their collaborative efforts include:
Determine the tax rates to be implemented on our citizens.
Purchase and sell various properties.
Hold public meetings spotlighting duties to be undertaken.
Adopt city ordinances.
Determine city service.
City Council Meetings
City Council holds regular meetings at City Hall on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month and are scheduled for 6:00pm.
The public is encouraged to attend and contribute ideas, concerns and encouragement to help the City of Nanticoke on its pathway to a brighter future.
Meetings are held in
Council Chambers at
Nanticoke City Hall
15 E. Ridge St., Nanticoke, Pa.